Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Getting Greenlit

This will probably be the last post on this blog. We are thinking about putting our game on Steam Greenlight (maybe). At least it's gonna be posted in the Steam Concepts-section at some point.

Here are the requirements:

A valid Steam account (duh!)

A submission form, chock full of details about you and your game (The submission form is found here:

$100 (90 euros) in cold hard cash—this is a one-time fee, meaning that once it's paid you can submit as many games to Greenlight as you like

A branding image—essentially box art (512x512px and no larger than 1MB)

Media: At least one video, and four screenshots that represent your game

A description: typically just a paragraph or two that provides voters with an overview of your game and its features

I can safely say that we have all that is required to submit our game to Greenlight. All we need now is someone who is willing to pay 90 euros for the submission. Any volunteers?

1 comment:

  1. Honest and straight answer: NO WAY we gonna put this crap on Greenlait :D That´s 90euros wasted. At least I will wait till I got some finished game that I´m not ashamed to put there. There are no problems with the ghraphics (mostly), but the game is so full of Glitches and Bugs (and other "no good" things) that some Greenlight is lightyears away.
