Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Getting Greenlit

This will probably be the last post on this blog. We are thinking about putting our game on Steam Greenlight (maybe). At least it's gonna be posted in the Steam Concepts-section at some point.

Here are the requirements:

A valid Steam account (duh!)

A submission form, chock full of details about you and your game (The submission form is found here:

$100 (90 euros) in cold hard cash—this is a one-time fee, meaning that once it's paid you can submit as many games to Greenlight as you like

A branding image—essentially box art (512x512px and no larger than 1MB)

Media: At least one video, and four screenshots that represent your game

A description: typically just a paragraph or two that provides voters with an overview of your game and its features

I can safely say that we have all that is required to submit our game to Greenlight. All we need now is someone who is willing to pay 90 euros for the submission. Any volunteers?

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

The game is done, for now

Well, we finally did it. Zalmyak Panic is complete. Just introduction and 2D phase of our project is done. We are still missing our trailer, but lets hope it arrives in time for show off...

On my behalf, I want to thank 2DSugarShapers Crew for their effort towards our goal.

best regards and Goodbye, Jkaka

Monday, August 22, 2016

Cottoncandy Caves Enemies

I made some new enemies for the CCC shoot'em'up level. The cake you have already seen in the loading screens that Juuso made but there are a few others that are shown now for the first time.
Mr. I scream stick is not a happy camper
This I scream cone is infected by zalmiak and you must fight him to survive
This Mad Muffin has bad plans for you
and finally the mothership, Big Bad Birthdaycake that comes after your ship.

That's all folks, hope you enjoy our game!

Thursday, August 18, 2016

More loading screens

Made few extra loading screens. We talked about the loading screen for the swamp map and we decided it is a bit too bright and colorful and happy and cheerful. Instead we might use it as a ending screen or something like that. Anyways, here you go:

Loading screen for Cotton Candy Cave.

Loading screen for Liquorice Swamp.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Loading screens!

Long time no see! Anyways, here's few quick sketches for loading screens between levels. I need to do one more for Liquorice Swamp level, but I'll leave that for tomorrow.

Loading screen for Chocolate Forest

Loading screen for Marshmallow Mountains.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Updates, Finally some Updates!

We managed to update the blog a bit. We also have gone from "stumbling" to "Rumbling" with game progress itself. Thanks to Juuso for updating script and sprint sections of the blog!

We now have playable game core, with menus and couple levels. We aimed for the 5 levels and it seems that we manage to accomplish as planned! We also decided to bring a little variation to the game, by making CCC- level a "Fly and Shoot" kinda level.

Here´s some screenies.

Main Menu

Candy Courtyard

Chocolate Forest

Let´s try to do Update some more in the next couple weeks!
Our "Showing Off" day is 24.8.


Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Animation for the trailer and future game intro


Here's an epic animation of our hero Zalmy fighting off the bad guys. The backgrounds are mostly colored however the characters had so many frames it would've taken forever to color it. It will be colored later though...


Testing Videos for Trailer

Not made in Unity but Click Fusion 2.5, testing how the game could look and feel, but mostly for the Upcoming Trailer!

Courtyard test

MashmallowM test

See ya laterz!


Thursday, May 12, 2016

Sound of Music

Did couple sound effects for da game. Dunno how they work in this blog, but I´ll try to add some examples. Some made with 8bit sound creator (Bfxr) and some with Audacity.

Too bad this shitty Blogger didn´t want load the files, so there´s no examples for now :(

Sadly yours,


Thursday, April 28, 2016

Some new stuff


I haven't been too active here lately so now it's the time to make it up for you! Here's some backgrounds and also a sketch of possible menu. The backgrounds are for Liqurice swamp and Courtyard. They look fine but I still have to fix the Courtyard a bit and make it more simple since there's too much stuff going on. All the trees will be driving the attention away from the actual platforms and game itself so... I'll fix it up tomorrow. :D I'm quite proud of the menu though! The idea that went through my mind was that Zalmy could be running still in the place stated below. I think it would be cool!

Liqurice swamp


Menu design

That's all for now! We will be meeting with our group tomorrow and hopefully get some stuff done. :)


Wednesday, April 20, 2016

UI and other Shait, God Damn!

I made couple "in game" UI concepts and now Im pissed... I somehow managed to get that stupid Grid on the other concept. Well Shit Happens... Anyways, the pics show what our complete game "could" look like in some situations (don´t mind that stupid grid....)

Zalmy fighting off  "the Zalmiak Head"

Collecting shit at Marshmallow Mountains (damn that Grid!!)

Well actually that Grid makes this shit look more PrO in some way? When you start to really look into it.... (Like a "Wall Of Glass" or similar crap?)

Well, until next time

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Textures, one is OK and the other one is Crap!

Hellos! I did some textures and couple with "candyland" theme. First one came out bad, because I did an error in cutting before colouring. It doesn´t continue "naturally. The other one is pretty ok.

CandyCrystals (or somethin...)

ZalmiakCrystalWall (or similar...)



Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Swinging trough air

Zalmy swinging invisible rope, pulls his way towards the rope and landing with a front flip.

Flying through air.

Here is your faithful hero, animated to fly through air and land back on a ground.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Salmiakki texture

I just made a new salmiakki/zalmyak texture for the game. It can be used on floors or walls.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

More sketching. And texture for a wall.


Some background studies


This is an update of our "chocolate forest". I suppose I got the first time a bit wrong when we were given the task to make sketches of the background/level. I indeed did sketches, but not in a 2D wiew so it could fit in the actual game. So, here's some more. I also studied how to put them into Unity and it looks good so far (these are still not the "official" graphics, just some personal tryouts!). I just have to remember how to apply the parallax movement script into them. :D

 Here's the background.
 This is also a background, but it's the closer layer.
Screenshot of the unity project.

- Minea

Monday, March 14, 2016

MarshmallowMountains continued

Okay, I did some modifications to the sprites, so they now have "almost" seamless contact points. I also did a front scroll and platform building "kit" that can be used to build different platforms. Only platform sides. As the level is "mountainy", I thought it would consist of many small platforms rather than flat plains like platforms.

For colors I´d only choose pink and pinkish tints with clear white. But we´ll see the coloring section later maybe.

Rising/Descending, with seamless contact points

Example riser

Riser connected to the flat (or top?) mountain scroll

Backscroll continued

"Farback" mountain scroll and continued one

Front scroll, needs to be adjusted (?)

Platform kit and couple example platforms

Well, thats all for now. 


Thursday, March 10, 2016

MarshMallow Mountains

Some "Linedrawn"(very simple) concepts for Marshmallow mountains. These are still missing "continuity", but that will be fixed later :P

"FarBack Scroll"

"Rising/Descending" Close background

Flat Close Background


Cottoncandy Caves

Sain tehtyä valmiiksi konseptit ja viivapiirroksen Cottoncandy Cavesista.

Viivapiirros hahmotelma hattarataustasta

Lopullinen hahmotelma Cottoncandy Cavesista, jota voi tarvittaessa laajentaa, koska kyseessä
on scrollaava tausta jota vasten pelihahmo seikkailee.

Wall texture I made (512x512 px) and few clouds. And a gingerbread house.



Here is our grand evil's funky dodge to the background.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Chocolate forest


Here's the last animation of Zalmy shooting down! Everything else works fine but I don't understand why the hair is not "wiggling". I animated it just how I've done with the previous ones but somehow it just refuses to move this time. :D

I also did couple of sketches about the chocolate forest! The other one is just a doodle and the other is slightly colored. I'll most probably do more sketches tomorrow!

- Minea

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Candy collectible, or something

I made a spinning candy with Illustrator. Doesn't look like it's spinning at all... Back to the drawing board...


Some shooting

Hey all!

Heres three shooting realated animations for you! I fixed the forward shooting and also made the flying and wiggling ammo. There's also an animation of Zalmy shooting up! It has few bugs but luckily they are fixable as well. The shoot down animation is still work in process. :)

Flying ammo

Shoot forward

Shoot up

- Minea