Monday, February 29, 2016

Running Zalmy

Just a quick update about a running animation I made for our hero. I think I need to make it a bit faster though...


Sunday, February 28, 2016

Animations for Liquoricehead

Ugh... It's kind of late, but here are my animations for one of the bad guys. I extended the idle animation with more rock-paper-scissoring and I finally managed to do a proposal for a death animation. We'll see what the rest of the team thinks about it :)

Now I really got to catch some z's.


Animation of exaggaration and staging


There was still two principles of animation left for me to animate; exaggaration and staging. Here is a short animation of two dinosaurs.

Exaggaration was about bringing things to their most extreme point to create more convincing reaction. In this case, I used it to  the point where the T rex scares the little one. He opens his jaw really wide with his eyeballs growing remarkably large. When the little dino gets scared I tried to exaggarate her reaction as well. As she gets suprised, her body gets longer than usual.

Staging was about guiding the focus on different things. In this animation, I intentionally wanted to make the T rex very visible and make sure that everyone knows he's going to do something. After the rex has scared the little dino, I guided the focus on her to show that she goes from scared to rather happy. I did this with making the T rex very still and didn't give any bigger actions from him, he is just smiling. :)

I was going to use these principals for actual game animations but I found it a bit too hard so I made this seperate animation. You'll be seeing some player walk animation soon... :)

PS. I was going to color it but it was so much work I decided to leave it for other time. :D

- Minea

Zalmy Jump test

Heyas all. Did a "fast jump" animation from Minea´s Zalmy pieces. I was meant to use this also for the group task 12 principles -Anticipation, but dunno for sure if the "preparing for jump" is visible enough. Have to discuss this with the team. Anyways, my vision of a jumping Zalmy. It´s pretty fast (only 35 frames) because the hero was supposed to be "Fast and Sleek". This gives the impression of a fast jumping. I dunno maybe a bit slower animation would show the preparing etc. better. Anyway, in the game we could use 2 "air up" and 2 "air down" frames to continue the jump lenght (or use them for falling of course).

Until next time!


Saturday, February 27, 2016

Even more Baddie Guy animation tests

Yeah, I did couple more bad guys and some animations for them. I tried to simplify and make character to fit in more with the style of the others. Dunno, I think the characters are Ok, but the animations are... something else. Well, decide yourself!

First guy is called "Mr. BrownCookie"
First animation is simple "shaking, baking" Idle animation
Second one is the "moving" for this guy. It´s not very "fluent" but fills the ADHD need that I wanted for this dumbass

FOR DEATH animation, I did three different. Also to represent the 12 principles of animation "timing" section. 


For the game, I think the the middle one would be the best. What do you think?

Second baddie is "Cherry_ex_Sloosh", an EX cherry chewing gum gone bad :P
the idle animation "heavy breather"
Moving on... Sluggish slimy moving animation
Death comes to the Slugger!

Well that´s all for now. Keep up the good work team!


Friday, February 26, 2016

Zalmy Idle animation


This time I tried to do an idle animation for our hero Zalmy with moving "hair". I'm suprised how well the liquid hair moves! The idle animation itself has still bugs and it doesn't look fluent enoough. I'm not sure what should I do with that issue yet. :)

I'll try to upload more animations soon!
I have still few animations what I have to finish before deadline. :)
- Minea

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Very first spriter animation!

Using Spriter! Heyy, I finished my very first animation. It still needs tuning, but its not awful if I do say so my self. :D

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Idle liquorice-head-guy-monster-fella'

Boom! Juuso here with his first blog post. Here's a little idle animation for a enemy character I made. I think I need to extend the idle part of the animation a bit so that the secondary "rock, paper, scissor" action won't happen so fast/often. Still, I'm quite happy for the result because I've had difficulties getting my tweens to work properly. I think I got the hang of it today, though :)


Edit: Made a walking animation for our enemy character!
Edit2: Oops. Gif I made has wrong amount of frames, so there's a minor jump at some point. Actual animation is quite smooth though.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Evil "mob" animation testing

I did testing with a cutted (or piece-layered?) model of my horror popsicle. Likea Minea, this was my first "real animation" (my old "shot to the head, dosen´t count!") I have ever done. Walking looks more like Charging and death sequence is a bit "bouncy bits" styled. Idle looks fine I guess.

Walking (Charging)
Bouncy Death

Environment studies and a new animation!

Hey all!

Today I studied about the environment of our game. As we know, the game takes place in a candy land where evil salmiac has corrupted and attacked the land. Here are few drawings what it could look like. The idea is that the further you go, the uglier and darker the scene goes. These pictures would be in the very beginning of the game where everything is happy and pink with lots of candy and ice cream etc...

Stars are shinig, all is good and peaceful...

Here's a bit more corrupted wiew

I also made an animation of an explosion. This is how an enemy could die. I don't understand why it took half away from the original size. I'll try to upload it later and figure out what the problem is. :)  

- Minea

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Run cycle with Flash

Hello all!

This is my first post and I'll update you a bit with some animations I've been working on. Flash is not very familiar software for me yet, but I've learned quite much lately. Here's a running cycle of Zalmy. I used traditional animating technique to it and drew all the pictures individually. The cycle looks fine and movement looks natural enough. I just have to think through how I'm going to finish him. :D

Here is the movement without any colors:

And here's with VERY simple colors:

They are really bugged but considering the fact that these are one of my first animations they look fine! :)

More will come soon!

- Minea

Saturday, February 20, 2016

"The BattlgeGround"

For color (and more frequent updating :P) we will post an concept art by Minea. "the Battleground". Zalmy is facing the Dog of his nemesis Desmak!

This is pure Loading screen/Menu background material!


Thursday, February 18, 2016

"Rumble in Mumble" 18.2.

(Topic inspired by Jackie Chan movie "Rumble in Bronx" :P)

We talked some about the progress of our "Liquirice Nightmare". There wasn´t much done after last tuesdays MumbleRumble. Minea got her Zalmy cuts done and we were checking them out. They seemed pretty nice, but a bit complex for our need (?) We need to check on our stand on this one and maybe simplify the looks a bit (?)

One pointer form our group counceling today, was that we could add our game script to this blog (?)
For now, it was desided that we dedicate our "Project Progress"

We also talked about Discord as an option for Mumble. We could share pictures and stuff on the fly and also people could jump in/out on for advice etc.

FOr NexT Time, we try to make some animations DoNe!

See ya then!


Tuesday, February 16, 2016

No MoRe Retroactive! Mumble meet 16.2.

We watched some already done animations and talked about nice things like kittens and flowers (not). We also discussed about Flash animating in general. Those couple already done animations seemed pretty nice!

For Next mumble meeting:

Minea will do "final version" and cutting of Zalmiak.

We should also update the manuscript and add the resource sections.

For mumble on next tuesday:

Animating character on own pace. It would be good that everyone would get at least those "BadGuy" animations done (?)

- Jkaka

P.S. I did a stupid picture, because the front page lacks color and pictures :D

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Mumble 9.2. (retro)

We checked out more character consepts. We chose Mineas Zalmy to be the way of our main character. So unlike the "clumsy" armored doofus, the character will be a "Swift" and "Slender" type of character. The game will propably be more fast paced after this decision. We also discussed, how we will divide assignments etc.

Minea will make more reference material about her character and finalized cuts to onedrive. We will make animations from these later on.

Additionally: Everyone will make at least one "baddie" animations for this Sprints animation assignment.

We also discussed about cutting the characters, personal styles etc.

For 12 priciples, we divided the assignment as follows;
Squash & Stretch = Maria
Anticipation = Kalle
Staging = Minea
Straght ahead &PP = Juuso
Follow through and Overlapping Action = Kasperi
Slow in Slow Out = Minea
Arc = Maria
Secondary action = Juuso
Timing = Kalle
Exaggaration = Minea
Solid drawing = Kasperi
Appeal= Maria

We´ll add these to sprint section later on!


Normal meet 4.2.2016 (retro)

No mumble meet today 4.2. But following was decided at school today;

We decided that we will adjust "the hero" Zalmy a bit more. Definent deadline is next tuesday however. We can also consept other characters, but at least Kasperis Desmac and Mineas Doggie are in the finals. Next tuesday we will lock the characters and divide tha animation responsibilities.

12 principles of animation (sprint 2):
Everyone will watch the videos and will make example animations out of these.

(Again suoperbly translated to english by Jkaka)

2.2. Mumble meeting (retroacti.)

We where observing some new character consepts about Zalmy and Chocolate Queen. We also decided that we will keep on making more concepts at least until 4.2. We were planning too that it would be good to make more "normal baddies".

We also checked the new "Sprint3" assignments and decided that more accurate work schedule would be decided at 4.2. when we see at school.

(retroactively written to blog  and superbly translated to english by Jkaka ;P)

MumboJambo meetos 26.1.2016

Almost everyone got their characters done and we were checking them out. Nice stuff! At next mumble, it is time to vote for the chosen Zalmy and Desmac. Be there!

2D world graphical assigment is done and with this the 2D SugarShapers are finished with Sprint2 assignments. NaiS!

(there also some shit about the old blog, but no worth writing it here :D)


Mumblemeet 21.1. (retroMan!)

Minea did a sample for graphical assigment with movie maker. The sample seemed pretty nice!

Decided the following; Everyone will look out for 2D game pictures and upload them to Onedrive.

Final versions of the "cutted" characters, should be done for the next meet at 25.1.

Assigments to remember;
- Collect 2D pictures
- Get characters done (Good and Bad)


19.1.2016 Mumblemeet (retroact.)

Everyone got their Egypt oriented consepts done. Nice! (we´ll place them at Sprints section later)
We discussed about these and they all seemede pretty fine.

So called "written" part of the 2D world assignment is pretty much done. Minea suggested windows movie maker for the graphical part.

Everyone should do drawing and cutting of the characters. Check out the last post for inspiration. In addition, we should think more of those "normal baddies" so we get different visions.


14.1.2016 Mumblemeet (retroac.)

Consept assignment Sprint 2; We decided that everyone will draw a scene with a building, a human for the era and some typical object for the era. This is how we get five different "visions" and should be enough for this assignment.

Character concept assignment (Zalmiak Panic)

Good guy = Zalmiak
Role = Honest and kind salty liquorice citicen, who got caught as a prisoner during the last invasion
Sex = Male (we also thought of a female choice -> Zalmariina :D)
Race = Living salty liquorice
Nature = Kind, "Renegade" (fighting against his own kind), Bravery (One against Many)
Strenghts = Strong, brave enough to fight against his brothers. "Prison-Armor", which gives leverage against other samiakkis. Salmiaks (Zalmiaks, Zalmyaks...) are strong as a race "Brutal Orcs" so that Orcs vs. Elves scenario is complete ;) (Candylandians = Elves)
Weaknesses = Is weak for chocolate, armor is also an weakness as it is a strenght (Bound to his destiny)
Character Does = "Mega Man" type of a game, where character shoots enemies etc. Also some puzzles (?) with a salmiakki rope.
Graphical choices = ?

Bad guy = Desmak (General Desmak, Overlord Desmac?)
Role = "Candyland Invader", Zsinghis Khan of the Candyland. Also Zalmiaks brother (Plot twist!)
Sex = Male
Race = Liquorice Overlord
Nature = Agressive, bitter from his last defeat, power hungry
Strenghts = A large salty liquorice dog companion, all his henchmen and servants
Weaknesses = "Short sighted", reveals his "weakspot" accidently
Character does = Final Boss, waits Zalmyak in the end -> can propably make other appearences earlier in the game (?)
Graphical choices = ?

From these we should make our final characters

We also decided that the Egypt assingment should be done before our next meeting at 19.1.


5.1.2016 Mumblemeet (retroact.)

Creating a 2D world, assignment. We decided together that we make a word file on OneDrive and everyone uses their dedicated colors when adding to the file. After this we can check them as a group. In addition, we will need the "report" and graphical project.

For game engines we chose the following;
Unity (no choice here)
Click Fusion 2.5
Construct 2

For the "era" assignment (Ancient Egypt was chosen earlier); everyone will draw concepts. Take heed of the assignment requirements! --> At least one human character, at least one typical object for the chosen era and buildings belonging to the era.

Don´t forget personal assignments!


TeamUpdate (from original blog)


Kasperi made main story for our game and uploaded it at OneDrive.

We now decided that the main character is actually a salmiakki monster who got jailed during the first grat invasion of the Zalmiakki army! Now when the 2nd invasion starts, Zalmyak (or Zalmiak) promises to help Chocolate Queen to repel his old comrades from the Sweet Plains of Candyland!
In return, the queen promises to our hero that once the invasion has been prevented, then Zalmyak will get citizenship to candyland (and his freedom ofc.)

Couple consepts about the game (including the old protagonist, boss etc.)

First team meet (from orginal Blog)

At 04.12.2015 group meet we decided the main theme for our game. We decided that our 2D game would be centered in a candyland. A once bright sugary land, now overrun by black zalmiakki monsters. Protagonist will be a human female, but that´s all for now.

A new Start (for da Blog!)

Yes, a "new" start for our crew´s developin dreams. Original start date was end of last year, but old blog was not updated for couple months. For easier handling (and lack of wordpress knowledge) we switched from Wordpress to Blogger. Idea is to add material (also retroactively) to this new blog.  It was also my "demand" :P that we do this in english (english is not good, but maybe understandable?) so more people can enjoy our shitty progress. I like to write like this so I apologize in advance for my poor and bad language!

- Jkaka