There was still two principles of animation left for me to animate; exaggaration and staging. Here is a short animation of two dinosaurs.
Exaggaration was about bringing things to their most extreme point to create more convincing reaction. In this case, I used it to the point where the T rex scares the little one. He opens his jaw really wide with his eyeballs growing remarkably large. When the little dino gets scared I tried to exaggarate her reaction as well. As she gets suprised, her body gets longer than usual.
Staging was about guiding the focus on different things. In this animation, I intentionally wanted to make the T rex very visible and make sure that everyone knows he's going to do something. After the rex has scared the little dino, I guided the focus on her to show that she goes from scared to rather happy. I did this with making the T rex very still and didn't give any bigger actions from him, he is just smiling. :)
I was going to use these principals for actual game animations but I found it a bit too hard so I made this seperate animation. You'll be seeing some player walk animation soon... :)
PS. I was going to color it but it was so much work I decided to leave it for other time. :D
- Minea
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